Ukay Saturday

One of the things I like doing whenever I am in my hometown is to go to ukay-ukays (or the second hand store for clothes). Let me just put this out there, I am one of those women whose about 80% of her wardrobe comprised of clothes from ukay-ukay. I have been patronizing ukay-ukay clothes since college.

So last Saturday, my bestfriend, "forced" me to go to the city with her because she has some errands to do. After doing her errand, I told her if we can pass by one ukay-ukay store near the jeepney terminal before going home. I was supposed to look for a blazer that I can use in office.

I would like to apologize for not getting the name of the ukay-ukay stall, but for those of you who are from Olongapo, or familiar with the area, this is the ukay-ukay that is near Mart One. If you are coming from the jeepney terminal for blue jeeps, this will come first before Mart One. This is the old cinema building.

Upon entering, I already saw the price of the clothes they have. My eyes were delighted. Most of the racks they have has the 65 each / 2 for 100 sign. I am happy.

This makes me happy.

Me, rummaging through the racks, hoping to find some "treasure".

Some of the clothes on the rack are definitely a steal, but some deserves a  meh. 
Me, trying on this, potato-sack looking sweater/dress.

Unfortunately, there are some good items, but doesn't fit me. Like this gingham skirt that I tried. Well, I guess it's not for me. (What's meant to be will be.)
I had to hold the skirt because it won't close.

At the end, I was able to get a detailed long sleeve. This was found by my bestfriend while she was staying in front of one rack that is directly below of the electric fan. 
A navy blue long sleeve with delicate detail for 65 pesos? Not bad. 

Overall, it was a Saturday well spent with the bestie. She was able to do her errand, and I got to have a new long sleeve. It was a good but very humid day.  

And expect more of the ukay-ukay finds post on this blog. Till next ukay-ukay trip. :)
