On Starting Fresh and Blogging

Have you ever been in a situation where you have your plans, everything is sorted out, all the timing has been plotted, then suddenly, something happened. An event that will force you to change all your plans.

I was never a long term girl. I don't plan things that are way in the future. I will plan for something that will happen next week. Or next month. If you will ask me how I see myself five years from now, I probably don't have an answer to that. My thinking has always been, today is more important. Today, everything should be okay. But at the back of my mind, I have my own timing. I know that something should happen at the right time.

I had a plan. I had it since the beginning. I was sure. It may take long, but I had it. But things change. Life has a funny way of teaching us the lessons we need to learn. Now, I am forced to start fresh.

Blogging has been planned for this year. Since the start of 2018, I have been talking to my best friend about starting this thing. However, I do not have the courage to do so. Or don't have the time to set up the site and everything else. Or I have all the reasons not to start. But since, I need that start, I have decided to, finally, push with this.

As you can see, blog is still bare. Forgive me, I still have to learn a lot. But please, join me in my journey.

"At some point you just have to let go, move on. Because no matter how painful it is, it's the only way we grow" - Meredith Grey

