On quarantine, cellphone apps and podcasts

Hi readers (wow may loyal readers?),

It has been what? I don't know. I have lost count already on how many days are we in quarantine here in NCR. But yeah, here we are. Still in quarantine and still with growing cases. (Congratulations! Panalo na tayo. Duh) But!! I don't want to start this with the frustrations that we have with all that is happening around us.


In an e-numan sesh with a good friend, while we are gossiping about our lives, she suddenly asked me what happened to this blog. I said, it is there, I just discontinued writing. She asked me why,and I cannot provide her a definite answer. I just said, that it is there and I haven't deleted my account yet. I just didn't renew the domain. She said, I am witty with my writing, and I should write more. Though I didn't believe her (yes, I didn't believe you), it's nice to hear that. And thinking that this is also a good way to distress, I have decided to resurrect this blog. Welcome back!

BTW, to my friend, if this works out, I'll include you to every sponsorship that I'll get. ;) (wow positive)


It's nearing our 4-month count of the community quarantine already, and I am still here, stuck in NCR. For almost 4 months, I'm just here in my small studio apartment. To give you a background, I live alone. So I have been alone for the past almost 4 months. I am getting good in being alone, so to you, my future boyfriend (oo, hopeful ako), goodluck. I love being alone now, that you have to be very special for me to get out of this solitude.

My activities in this quarantine time are pretty routinary. I am working from home, so most of my weekdays are spent in front of a laptop. Then I also have to do house chores such as cooking my food. My cooking skill level is still low, but I think somehow elevated during this time. However, I can use my oven toaster to bake now. Ha! New tita level skill unlocked. My tita-ness on this quarantine time, definitely, elevated.

To avoid the stress and anxiety this pandemic brings, video call helps. Me and my officemates do video calls once in a while to check if we are still okay. I, now use Facetime too to communicate with other friends. Being an extrovert, I think I have this need to talk to somebody. I remembered I told one of my friends that there are days that I have this urge to call somebody just because I have to talk to somebody. I don't have a problem, I just have to talk. To gossip. (chismosa kasi ako.)

Alcohol helps too. But this came in the latter part of quarantine already. For some reason, LGU's decided to have an alcohol ban along with the community quarantine. This is probably to avoid mass/social  gatherings (a protocol that was blatantly violated by some people. forking clowns.). I understand that, but you know, being a walwalera that I am, this also frustrated me. Imagine having and e-numan session with your friends and not having a beer or cocktail.To fix that, I was forced to open bottles of wine that I have here in my apartment. I was never a wine drinker but  our e-numan sessions forced me to drink wine and I eventually learned to appreciated sangria. (Another tita-ness unlocked).I was able to finish the 2 bottles that I have. After the ban was lifted, could you just imagine how I celebrated because of that? I can now join any e-numan session with a legit beer or vodka in hand.

Twitter, Tinder and all other apps

I guess I am a frustrated singer. No not a guess, I AM a frustrated singer. My WeSing App now has 30+ recorded song because every time that I need a break from work, I open my WeSing and sing my heart out. I would like to take this opportunity to apologize to my neighbors for all the singing that you hear during this quarantine.

For the longest time, I haven't installed and make an account in Twitter. Reason is, I have a difficulty maintaining multiple socmed account. For me, Instagram and Facebook is enough. But then, quarantine happened and I got bored. That is when I started using Twitter. Now, with all the things that I read in Twitter, I am starting to question, why did I install Twitter again? Jk. I still enjoy reading through Twitter. That is my daily source of news,and gossips, and pictures of cute guys with abs. (Yes, abs lang, wag kayong ano jan)

After Twitter, I installed Tinder. Yes, Tinder. I installed it because, 1. I was bored. 2. I want to have a conversation with a new found friend. Not gonna lie though, of course, I was expecting that something more could blossom for that. A date when it's allowed already maybe? I had a few matches. Though I am not sure how Tinder world works. Should I be the one to approach them first also?? After a match? Because I did not do that. Anyway, I had a conversation with this one guy. We had a good start to be honest, but it did not work out. (Kasi nyi nyi esh siya.) After that, I got bored with swiping left and right. Because nothing is happening anyway. So I decided to just delete my profile.

Finally, a new found love

Listening to podcasts are now my thing. I was never a fan of that before, because I tend to be sleepy whenever I listen to one. However, this quarantine, director Tonet Jadaone and writer Juan Miguel Severo released a podcast in Spotify, "Ang Walang Kwentang Podcast".I remember listening to their first episode at 2am and I was laughing out loud. Of course, as expected from direk Tonet and Juan Miguel, there are hugots here and there. Maybe that is the reason why I was a fan. I can totally relate to their discussion about life and of course love. And that's how it started.

Image from Google

After that I started looking for Filipino podcasts in Spotify. There I found another podcast that capture my interest. "Walwal Sesh" by Doc Gia Sison, Sir Renz Argao, and my new crush Vino Orajay. As mentioned, I am a certified walwalera so of course this would interest me. And I was not wrong in starting to listen to them. Their topics are so interesting, and their discussions are very informative. Aside from the fact that it feels like I am in an e-numan sesh every time I listen to them. E-numan sesh with learnings.
Image from Google

So there it goes, that is basically how I have been spending my quarantine. If you've reached this point, thank you. Good to know that I did not bore you. Join me in praying that there will be a next entry after this post.

