On Office Romance and Landian

I met my ex boyfriend during my safety officer stint in a shipyard. It started when I was introduced to the group of draftsman beside our bay. It was okay. They are a happy group of people. Then the teasing started. This boy was very vocal about his feelings. He "claimed" to be mine in front of his friends, the moment we were introduced. It was funny, yes, but I wasn't attracted to him at first. Days passed by and the teasing continues especially whenever we crossed paths in the field. Whether I was just walking around the shipyard, or while doing inspection rounds in the ships. And since their bay was near our bay, he usually sees me after my rounds. Not a good sight for him, because I was all sweaty and looked like sh*t after inspection, but he didn't mind. 

Our communication deepened when he asked for my number. I was going for a 3-day out of town training then, and his reason for asking my number is that I might be bored while in training. Let's appreciate the effort. We all know it is not easy to approach someone you like. True to his words, he consistently messaged me during the days of the training. It was good. I find him funny. We connected through conversation. Something that I value the most. 

To cut the long story short, he courted and I gave in.This is despite the fact of me knowing that we both have unfinished businesses. Especially for him, yet we became official. I cannot remember the exact date when our relationship started. That is why for almost four years, I never experienced celebrating anniversary or monthsary. (Tipid tip)

Office Couple

Our relationship was not the best relationship. We had issues. He is insecure and I am stubborn. Believe me, that is not a good combination. So our relationship was not all rainbows and butterflies. We fight. A lot. And since we are in the same office, it seemed that our officemates got a free teleserye whenever we were fighting. No, we don't literally fight in the office, but of course it was obvious to others when we are having some issues. 

I remember one time, when my boss saw me crying on my table because my then boyfriend and I had a fight. I was doing some reports but I cannot concentrate on it because my emotions are all over the place. My boss gave me an advice then. I cannot remember specifically what he told me though.There was also a time where I was frustrated at his friends from their department because they were laughing at us for avoiding each other in the office. That time we are having a misunderstanding and arguing through our phones.Unfortunately for us, his friends find it entertaining to see both of us in a bad mood. They find it something to enjoyably gossip with. 

It was not easy being in a relationship with an officemate. Yes it is fun that you are in one place together always, but it could be suffocating. You are always with your partner. I mean not literally but, you always share the same space. People from the office sometimes consider you as one. (Might be an exaggeration) Also, it felt that your every move is being watched or judged.  But then again, relationships can be toxic, office setting or not. 

Office flirting

I had this "thing" with an officemate. I am not really considering it as a fling because it was just a couple of flirtatious exchanges. It was never serious, at least for me. If anything, I consider it as a past time. Something to make me smile. I call him my "love team". Unfortunately, he didn't know that and he never got the chance. But if for some reason, this reaches you, yes, I consider you my love team. fun times! 

It all started when my friends teased me to him because we have the same birthday. It's fine with me. I don't have feelings for him, anyway. Okay, maybe a little. But it's just like that. My impression of him was he is too introvert for my taste. Although, I am feeling some "feel na feel na gwapo" vibes with him. You know? That type of guy who knows that he is good looking. He has those vibes. 

Whenever I was teased by my friends, I am more worried for his reaction with the teasing. From what I heard, he has a girlfriend. My worry is that he might get offended. But he seemed okay with all of  it. Some of the flirtation was initiated by him, actually. (See what I mean with the feel na feel na gwapo vibes?) Our messages to each other are upfront flirting. Aside from work stuff of course! I enjoyed it to be honest. It is something that makes me smile. For me, it was all harmless flirting anyway. All for fun. 

I didn't took it seriously. As I kept on saying to my friend, "Cute na libangan sa office, para may konting kasiyahan naman ang buhay". Little did I know, that our encounters will spark an issue. I knew this girl likes him. She didn't try to hide it anyway. What so funny is that she is so affected with what is going on between me and the guy. Like she is the girlfriend. I did not realize that an internal joke would cause so much hate. But then again, this lady seemed to have all the hate in the world so she has some spare to give me. I may not understand what is your relationship with him but a piece of advice, girl, get a life. 

Can you handle it?

Personally, if will be given an option, I will not enter into a relationship with an officemate. Because it is difficult. Maintaining a relationship is hard on its own, and I don't want it to have another reason for it to be harder. But that is just me. It works for some. So if you're planning to do it, listen to them, and not me. 

Flirting is fun. If you're single, and you like someone in your office that is ALSO single, go, flirt away. It will add some spice in your life. At least your office life will be a less boring. But please be cautious when entering this kind of relationship. You don't want to end up being awkward and uncomfortable all the time in the office just because you flirting escapades didn't work out. 

With that, I leave you with a quote from one of my favorite series, Ally McBeal. Not totally related with the whole post, but you get it. 
Image from Google

Thank you for reading. Until next time. 

